Monthly Archives: January 2015

January 13th, 2015 — By  Doug Ruge — In Articles

“It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over:” Nebraska Supreme Court Rules (or Maybe Not) on the Validity of the TransCanada XL Pipeline Route Approval Through Nebraska

Probably no appeal to the Nebraska Supreme Court has been watched more closely by more people than the challenge to the statutory routing process for the proposed TransCanada XL Pipeline.

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January 12th, 2015 — By  Doug Ruge — In News & Events

Guest Post: Nebraska Supreme Court rules (or maybe not) on the validity of the approval of TransCanada XL pipeline route through Nebraska

In a lengthy and acrimonious opinion issued January 9, 2015, the Nebraska Supreme Court issued a non-decision on the constitutionality of the process for routing of the TransCanada pipeline through Nebraska. It may prove to approve the route by default. The Court’s opinion answers very little, and raises far more questions than it answers. The only thing that is clear is that not every pipeline can be granted the power of eminent domain.

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