October 1st, 2015 — By — In News & Events

12th Annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference October 1 & 2, 2015

This evening Joseph William Singer, Bussey Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, will be presented with the 2015 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize on the campus of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.  Professor Singer will be the 12th recipient of this prestigious award which is presented annually to a scholar, lawyer or jurist whose work has advanced the cause of property rights and has contributed to the overall awareness of the important role property rights play in the broader scheme of individual liberty.

Tomorrow, October 2, 2015, William & Mary Law School will host the Twelfth Annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference.   The Property Rights Conference and Prize are presented by the William & Mary Property Rights Project. This annual Conference is notable for its unique approach which includes bringing together the members of the bench, the bar and academia on Conference panels, among the participants as well as within the prize recipients (the 2011 Prize Recipient Justice Sandra Day O’Connor is a retired Supreme Court Justice and 2014 Prize Recipient Michael Berger is a practicing appellate attorney, property rights advocate and a Member of OCA).  See this list of previous Brigham-Kanner Prize Recipients for more details about the other takings scholars and property rights attorneys who have been awarded the Prize.

The Property Rights Conference and Prize are named in honor of the lifetime contributions made to property rights law by Florida eminent domain attorney, Toby Prince Brigham (now retired) and California appellate and condemnation attorney Gideon Kanner (also now retired).  This year’s Conference will discuss Professor Singer’s property rights scholarship in a panel titled “Property as a Form of Governance” as well as tackle issues relating to “Civil Forfeiture of Property” and “Property Rights in the Digital Age.”  Possibly the most interesting panel to eminent domain lawyers and property owners nationwide is the third panel “Of Pipelines, Drilling, & the Use of Eminent Domain.”  This panel will address the constitutional and legal issues raised by the grant of eminent domain power to pipeline companies and the ownership interests affected by some of the newest methods used to collect fuel – fracking and forced pooling.

While we have attended the Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference in years past.  We are unfortunately unable to attend this year, however, a number of OCA Members will be in attendance and we look forward to hearing their thoughts on the discussions as well as following along tomorrow via live blog coverage from OCA Hawaii Member, Robert Thomas, at inversecondemnation.com.

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