Monthly Archives: August 2023

August 7th, 2023 — In OCA Blog

Help Us Promote the Toby Prince Brigham OCA Scholarship for 2023

In honor of lawyer Toby Prince Brigham’s legacy of professionalism and achievement, in 2021 OCA established the Toby Prince Brigham OCA Scholarship to pay for all expenses of a second or third year law student to attend the ALI-CLE Eminent Domain conference and associated OCA events. Next year’s conference will be held from February 1-3 in New Orleans, La. This unique scholarship affords the student the opportunity to learn about the substantive law of eminent domain and property rights, while also meeting and networking with the leading lawyers in these practice areas from across the  country. This is what last year’s Toby Prince Brigham OCA scholar, Shelly Vallone, had to say about her experience: “”Attending the ALI-CLE Conference as the Toby Prince Brigham OCA scholar was impactful, both in my education as a law student and in my growth as a future attorney. Through this scholarship, I was introduced to lifelong friends and valued colleagues who are invested in my success. I am grateful to be a part of this community, and I look forward to attending the conference next year. ”  If you are interested in applying for or learning more about the Toby Prince Brigham OCA Scholarship, please contact the Executive Director of OCA. You can reach the Executive Director by email at or by phone at 303-806-5155. Note that the deadline for submitting the complete application for this year will be October 2, 2023.

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