January 31st, 2012 — By — In News & Events

ALI-ABA Emient Domain and Land Valuation Seminar

We just returned from the 29th Annual American Law Institute-American Bar Association (ALI-ABA) Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation course in San Diego.  As the course description explains: “[t]he power of eminent domain is being reshaped across the nation by court rulings and legislation. Much of the recent court activity and legislation has involved the controversial use, or attempted use, of eminent domain power to take private property for economic development by private parties. Redevelopment, however, is not the only fluid area in takings law. This national course of study addresses those areas where new developments in the law and procedure have and will reshape the practice.”

Some highlights from the three-days of outstanding discussion and panels:

  • The Rule of Law and Property Rights in Emerging Economies: Challenges and Opportunities for Lawyers in the WestHarlan Abrahams 
  • Eminent Domain for Economic Development: Is It Dead in California? If So, What Killed It?John Murphy 
  • My Cousin Vinny Meets The Verdict: What You Can Learn about Legal Ethics from Your Favorite Lawyer MoviesLarry Cohen 
  • The Role of Hawaii’s Unique Property Law in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Takings CasesProfessor David Callies and Robert Thomas
  • Update from the President of the International Right of Way Association Regarding Prominent Issues Facing the IRWA Randy Williams
  • Fear and Loathing from San Bruno: A Primer and Update on Damage Claims Based on Fear and Stigma – Brandee Caswell
  • Creative Use of Exhibits and Demonstrative Evidence in Eminent Domain Mediations and Trials (Condemnation 101)- Jeff Hamill and Randy Smith
  • Condemnation, Common Sense, and My Sister-in-Law, the Court Reporter (Condemnation 101)Mark Savin

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the many truly amazing discussions that took place over the duration of the course, rather a short list of those topics in which we were able to participate.  Unfortunately, it was impossible to hear every speaker and panel as this advanced-level course offers a dual tract format including substantive and practice area discussions while also running concurrently with Condemnation 101 which offers a broader introduction to eminent domain law.

If you are an eminent domain practitioner or professional in the field of land valuation, land planning, right-of-way or other related fields and you have not attended this course, it is highly recommended for the amazing insight provided by both the faculty and participants of both courses.  This conference provides a unique opportunity for professionals from both sides (as well as the middle) of this nationally recognized issue to engage in healthy debate and discussion, exchange ideas and network. It’s an annual occurrence, so the opportunity to join in the fun will be available again next winter…see you there.

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