September 10th, 2009 — By — In News & Events

Connecticut Office of Ombudsman for Property Rights Closes

In a statement on its website, the Connecticut Office of Ombudsman For Property Rights announced the closure of the office effective September 8, 2009 as a result of budgetary constraints. Robert S. Poliner who held the position of the first and only Connecticut Ombudsman for Property Rights served only two years.

Mr. Poliner wrote in his online farewell letter to the citizens of Connecticut: “When I was appointed, my goal was to increase respect for property rights at all levels and in all branches of our state’s government. I hope the assistance I gave to hundreds of citizens and government agency personnel in the last two years has contributed in some small way to that goal.”


Mr. Poliner’s online letter references the many resources available to property owners on the website including links to the statutes pertaining to eminent domain, frequently asked questions and the many newsletters and reports authored by Mr. Poliner over the past two years. However, it is clear that Connecticut property owners facing condemnation after the closure of the Office of Ombudsman For Property Rights will no longer have the resource of Mr. Poliner himself as mediator and advocate.

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