October 20th, 2010 — By — In News & Events

CRE-UCONN Webinar: The Whacky & Wonderful World of Eminent Domain After Kelo

Tomorrow, October 21, 2010, from Noon to 1:00 PM (Eastern) the Counselors of Real Estate in conjunction with University of Connecticut will host a webinar entitled “The Whacky & Wonderful World of Eminent Domain After Kelo.”

OCA Member, Robert Thomas (Hawaii) will be speaking about what the Court in Kelo really decided, and how courts in the intervening five years have viewed the decision. On the panel with Mr. Thomas will be Andrew W. Schwartz, from San Francisco’s Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger. The session will be moderated by John Clapp, Ph.D. of the UConn Center for Real Estate, and Michele Maresca, a land use attorney at Robinson & Cole in Hartford.

This webinar has been offered as part of the 2010 Real Estate Teleconference Series sponsored by the Counselors of Real Estate and Robinson & Cole. Here’s a description of the program:

The Supreme Court’s decision in Kelo v. City of New London has been viewed by property rights advocates as the virtual gutting of the Fifth Amendment’s limits on the use of eminent domain for transfer to private developers, while advocates of governmental and redevelopment authority power have argued that the decision was simply the continuation of long-standing takings doctrine. Which is it? With the perspective that five years provides, this webinar will look at what the Court decided and what it didn’t and recent cases where eminent domain was used for public/private partnerships.

Click here to download the registration form.

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