August 5th, 2020 — By — In News & Events

Former South Dakota Attorney General and OCA Member Mark Meierhenry Dies

OCA Member Mark Meierhenry DiedMark Meierhenry, former South Dakota Attorney General and Owners’ Counsel of America member for many years passed away recently. While we knew Mark as a talented lawyer, a fierce defender of private property rights and a great member of our organization, his obituary revealed many other wonderful dimensions to his personality and background. Who knew for instance that he had argued six times before the U.S. Supreme Court? Or that he co-authored a series of children’s books? Or that while the Attorney General of South Dakota, he never sought the death penalty, believing that it had little to do with keeping crime down.

Mark, we will miss you and hope that the exceptional life you led will now bring some solace to your family and love ones.

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