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Gideon Kanner

Gideon Kanner

Gideon Kanner, Professor of Law Emeritus at the Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, holds degrees in engineering (B.M.E., The Cooper Union, 1954) and law (U.S.C, 1961). For many years he was the Editor of Just Compensation, a monthly periodical on the law of eminent domain. For over 40 years he maintained an active practice as an appellate lawyer in the field of eminent domain and inverse condemnation. He is past president of the California Academy of Appellate Lawyers.

Gideon Kanner served on the Advisory Committee on the Uniform Eminent Domain Code and has been a consultant on eminent domain to the California Law Revision Commission for over 30 years. He acted as consultant to the Japanese Construction Ministry in connection with that country’s reform of its expropriation law. He was also co-organizer of and presenter at the International Colloquium on Comparative Expropriation Law, held at Oxford University in 1990, and a recipient of a British Academy scholarship in that connection.

Gideon Kanner is a frequent author in the law journals and a lecturer at CLE programs. For many years he co-chaired three ALI-ABA programs (on eminent domain, inverse condemnation and land-use), and acted as chairman and speaker at the annual Planning, Zoning and Eminent Domain program of the Center for American and International Law. He is the recipient of the ALI-ABA Harrison Tweed award for outstanding merit in continuing legal education. He also received the Shattuck prize of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (now the Appraisal Institute) for outstanding contribution to appraisal literature. In 2004, the William & Mary College School of Law established an annual award for best writing on property rights, the Brigham-Kanner Award, named after Prof. Kanner along with Toby Prince Brigham, a distinguished Florida lawyer.

Gideon Kanner was counsel for property owners in a number of precedent-setting eminent domain cases before the California Supreme Court, and has appeared as counsel for parties and amici curiae in a half-dozen taking cases in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Gideon Kanner served on the Advisory Committee on the Uniform Eminent Domain Code and has been a consultant on eminent domain to the California Law Revision Commission for over 30 years. He acted as consultant to the Japanese Construction Ministry in connection with that country’s reform of its expropriation law. He was also co-organizer of and presenter at the International Colloquium on Comparative Expropriation Law, held at Oxford University in 1990, and a recipient of a British Academy scholarship in that connection.

Gideon Kanner, Professor of Law Emeritus at the Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, holds degrees in engineering (B.M.E., The Cooper Union, 1954) and law (U.S.C, 1961). For many years he was the Editor of Just Compensation, a monthly periodical on the law of eminent domain. For over 40 years he maintained an active practice as an appellate lawyer in the field of eminent domain and inverse condemnation. He is past president of the California Academy of Appellate Lawyers.

Gideon Kanner served on the Advisory Committee on the Uniform Eminent Domain Code and has been a consultant on eminent domain to the California Law Revision Commission for over 30 years. He acted as consultant to the Japanese Construction Ministry in connection with that country’s reform of its expropriation law. He was also co-organizer of and presenter at the International Colloquium on Comparative Expropriation Law, held at Oxford University in 1990, and a recipient of a British Academy scholarship in that connection.

Gideon Kanner is a frequent author in the law journals and a lecturer at CLE programs. For many years he co-chaired three ALI-ABA programs (on eminent domain, inverse condemnation and land-use), and acted as chairman and speaker at the annual Planning, Zoning and Eminent Domain program of the Center for American and International Law. He is the recipient of the ALI-ABA Harrison Tweed award for outstanding merit in continuing legal education. He also received the Shattuck prize of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (now the Appraisal Institute) for outstanding contribution to appraisal literature. In 2004, the William & Mary College School of Law established an annual award for best writing on property rights, the Brigham-Kanner Award, named after Prof. Kanner along with Toby Prince Brigham, a distinguished Florida lawyer.

Gideon Kanner was counsel for property owners in a number of precedent-setting eminent domain cases before the California Supreme Court, and has appeared as counsel for parties and amici curiae in a half-dozen taking cases in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Gideon Kanner served on the Advisory Committee on the Uniform Eminent Domain Code and has been a consultant on eminent domain to the California Law Revision Commission for over 30 years. He acted as consultant to the Japanese Construction Ministry in connection with that country’s reform of its expropriation law. He was also co-organizer of and presenter at the International Colloquium on Comparative Expropriation Law, held at Oxford University in 1990, and a recipient of a British Academy scholarship in that connection.

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