September 3rd, 2010 — By — In News & Events

Happy Birthday to Robert Thomas @

Albeit a bit belated, we send our best wishes for another great year in blogging to our fellow law blogger Robert Thomas who celebrated the 4th anniversary of the birth of his blog on August 31.

Robert is an dedicated blogger (over 1,100 posts in 4 years). He amazes us with the speed at which he posts on day to day events occurring in court rooms, cities and towns across the country on topics such as eminent domain, inverse condemnation, land use, regulatory takings, and property rights – all from his beautiful home in Hawaii (mind you he is waking up when those of us on the East Coast are heading to Starbucks for an afternoon pick-me-up). His posts are profound, insightful, fun to read and often sprinkled with bit of humor.

Thank you, Robert, for all that you do.

Sharing is caring!

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