September 25th, 2013 — By — In News & Events

Mark Savin, Owners’ Counsel of America Minnesota Attorney, Invited to Speak at 10th Annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference October 17-18, 2013

The William & Mary Law School Property Rights Project has invited Minneapolis-based condemnation lawyer, Mark D. Savin, to speak at the 10th Annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference October 17-18, 2013 in Williamsburg, Virginia.

“It is a privilege to be asked to speak on a panel of such distinguished and nationally recognized property law scholars,” said Savin, a shareholder at Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. and the Minnesota member of the Owners’ Counsel of America.  “I look forward to enjoying a thought-provoking discussion and to sharing my experiences litigating eminent domain and private property rights actions.”

Mr. Savin will join a panel focused upon the scholarly work of the 2013 Brigham Kanner Property Rights Prize recipient, Thomas Merrill, the Charles Evans Hughes Professor at Columbia Law School.  The panel will explore some of the ways Professor Merrill’s scholarship has impacted property jurisprudence and illuminated the law’s fundamental understanding of property.

The Property Rights Project annually recognizes the outstanding contributions of a single individual to the field of property rights scholarship by awarding the Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize during the Conference.  Both the Conference and Prize are named in recognition of eminent domain and property rights attorneys Toby Prince Brigham and Gideon Kanner for their lifetime contributions to preserving the important role that private property plays in protecting individual and civil rights.  Brigham and Kanner have dedicated their professional work to advancing the constitutional protection of property and defending the right of private property ownership nationally.  [DISCLOSURE: Toby Brigham and Gideon Kanner are Honorary OCA Members and Brigham was a founding member of Owners’ Counsel.]

In the decade since the Conference awarded the first Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize in 2004, it has become an important national event attended by both scholars and practitioners interested in property theory.  In that time, the Conference has honored some of the nation’s foremost property law thinkers including Frank I. Michelman, Richard A. Epstein, Carol M. Rose, Robert C. Ellickson and Richard E. Pipes.

For more information about the Conference, the schedule, speakers or registration, click here.

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