October 28th, 2013 — By — In News & Events

OCA Attorneys Honored to Particpate in 10th Annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference

On October 18, OCA member-attorneys participated in the 10th annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference at William and Mary Law School in Williamsburg, Virginia.  Annually, legal scholars, practitioners and members of the judiciary who have a specific interest in property law and property rights gather to discuss current topics in takings law and property rights.  The Conference is centered around the scholarship of a single individual who is awarded the Brigham-Kanner Prize for “scholarly work and accomplishments affirm[ing] that property rights are fundamental to protecting individual and civil rights.”

Merrill Thomas

Prof. Thomas Merrill received the 2013 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize

The 2013 prize was presented to Professor Thomas W. Merrill of Columbia Law School for his enormous body of work on property law including his landmark article on the right to exclude: “Property and the Right To Exclude,” 77 Neb. L. Rev. 730 (1998). OCA Minnesota attorney, Mark Savin, participated on a panel focused upon “Defining the Essence of Property” and Prof. Merrill’s scholarship on the right to exclude.

Mark Savin discusses how Prof. Merrill's landmark article "The Right to Exclude" can be applied in the practice of eminent domain law.

Mark Savin discusses how Prof. Merrill’s landmark article “The Right to Exclude” can be applied in the practice of eminent domain law.

Other Owners’ Counsel attorneys who participated in the 10th Annual Conference included

Andrew Brigham joins a panel discussing government forbearance.

Andrew Brigham joins a panel discussing government forbearance.

Andrew Prince Brigham (Florida), Michael Rikon (New York), Joseph Waldo (Virginia), and honorary members, James S. Burling of the Pacific Legal Foundation and Dana Berliner of the Institute for Justice.  Mr. Brigham participated on a panel tasked with discussing government forbearance (i.e. the extent to which government should restrain from interfering with private property rights).  Mr. Rikon and Mr. Burling discussed recent Supreme Court property rights decisions on a roundtable moderated by Mr. Waldo.  Finally, Ms. Berliner spoke on a panel that considered the shifting conditions that affect property rights and the constitutional restraints prohibiting the redefining of property rights during times of transition.

Mr. Waldo moderates a roundtable discussion of recent Supreme Court property rights decisions in which Messrs. Rikon and Berling participated.

Mr. Waldo moderates a roundtable discussion of recent Supreme Court property rights decisions in which Messrs. Rikon and Berling participated.

The Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize has been awarded annually since 2004. It is named in recognition of the lifetime contributions to property rights of Toby Prince Brigham, Florida property rights attorney, and Gideon Kanner, appellate attorney and professor of law emeritus at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. Previous recipients include Professor Frank I. Michelman of Harvard Law School (2004), Professor Richard A. Epstein of New York University Law School (2005), Professor James W. Ely, Jr., of Vanderbilt University (2006), Professor Margaret Jane Radin of the University of Michigan Law School (2007), Professor Robert C. Ellickson of Yale University (2008), Professor Richard E. Pipes of Harvard University (2009), Professor Carol Rose of the University of Arizona (2010), Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (2011), and Professor James E. Krier of the University of Michigan Law School (2012).

For more information about the Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference, visit William & Mary’s Property Rights website here.  More coverage of the 10th Annual Property Rights Conference is available at inversecondemnation blawg here.  You can also view our posts relating to the Conference by selecting the “Brigham-Kanner Property Rights” label on the right side of this blog.

[Photo credit: A huge thank you to Robert Thomas @ inversecondemnation for sharing his photojournalism of the event.]

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