January 20th, 2022 — By — In OCA Blog

OCA Emeritus Member Joe Waldo Fights to Preserve Historic Community Center in Norfolk

Joseph WaldoThe future of a 145-year-old YMCA known as the Hunton Y that serves as an important community and service center in the heart of one of the poorest neighborhoods in Norfolk, Virginia is in doubt as the city seeks to use its’ eminent domain power to take it for redevelopment purposes. “All you have to do is walk in, see children, and you see the value of what the Hunton Y has done for 145 years,” says Attorney and OCA emeritus member Joseph Waldo, who represents the Y.  Although the city is offering to buy the  land Hunton sits on for $2 million in order to replace it with a retention pond, Joe Waldo says that is far less than the tax value of $4 million and the amount if will take to buy, rent or move the facility. “We knew off the bat that was wrong,” said Waldo. To read more about the case click here.

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