September 23rd, 2019 — By — In News & Events

OCA Files Amicus Brief in North Carolina Map Act Case

Many will recall the infamous Map Act that was adopted in North Carolina during the 1990’s. As a result the North Carolina Department of Transporation (NCDOT) recorded corridor maps that restricted the use of property in the path of several future road projects similar to negative easements. Although the North Carolina General Assembly repealed the maps in 2016, the North Carolina Supreme Court ruled that these restrictions amounted to takings by inverse condemnation. NCDOT is now initiating actions to physically take some of the properties to build roads and highways. The legal issue now presented is how to value these properties in determining just compensation after they have been impacted by the Map Act for years?  OCA’s  recently filed Amicus Brief (which you can read here) seeks to assist the North Carolina Supreme Court in addressing this issue to ensure that all impacted landowners receive proper just compensation.

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