February 26th, 2009 — By — In News & Events

Property owners fight Norfolk Housing Authority in Court

“It’s a colossal abuse of the power of eminent domain.”-Joseph T. Waldo, Esq.

NORFOLK, VA — Trial began yesterday in Norfolk Circuit Court regarding a condemnation action initiated by the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority (NRHA). A year ago, the NRHA sought to acquire 1 residential property and 3 commercial buildings by eminent domain as part of Old Dominion University’s (ODU) proposed redevelopment master plan. ODU claimed these properties were “blighted.” However, OCA member, Joseph Waldo, the attorney representing the property owners, has argued otherwise.

ODU’s redevelopment project has occurred in multiple phases, including the construction of a parking garage, a convocation center, apartments, offices and retail. Waldo has argued that ODU’s redevelopment of the area has had a positive impact on the neighborhood successfully eliminating blight and, therefore, the purpose of NRHA’s condemnation of the properties.

For more information see The Virginian-Pilot article from February 23rd here.

We will be following this trial and will post updates as they become available.

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DISCLOSURE: Joseph T. Waldo is the Virginia member of the Owners’ Counsel of America. Mr. Waldo and the attorneys at The Law Firm of Waldo and Lyle, P.C. in Norfolk, Virginia, limit their practice exclusively to the defense of private property owners in eminent domain and condemnation proceedings.

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