December 14th, 2010 — By — In News & Events

Supreme Court denied cert in Columbia University eminent domain case

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the Columbia University eminent domain case Tuck-It-Away, Inc. v. New York State Urban Dev. Corp., No. 10-402 (cert. petition filed Sep. 21, 2010).

As Charles V. Bagli wrote in Columbia Wins Fight for West Harlem Campus yesterday, the Court’s refusal to hear this appeal has effectively ended the six year battle fought by the property owners to preserve their private property rights and retain ownership of their land.

Mr. Bagli quotes lead Plaintiff/property owner, Nick Sprayregen, in his article.

In all likelihood, Mr. Sprayregen said Monday, the battle is over. “The Supreme Court let stand an abuse of eminent domain taking place in New York,” he said. “We had hoped for a different result. This is truly a dark day for all Americans who care about the sanctity of private property rights.”

For more about this case see our previous posts here and here. See also Norman Oder’s post announcing the Court’s denial of certiorari at the Atlantic Yards Report; a post by Robert Thomas with links to previous discussions and all briefs filed in the case at; and New Jersey Condemnation Law blog on the Court’s refusal to grant cert.

[Disclosure: Robert Thomas is the OCA Hawaii Member. The New Jersey Condemnation Law blog is managed by McKirdy & Riskin, Edward McKirdy is the OCA New Jersey Member.]

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