December 4th, 2023 — By — In OCA Blog

The Passing of Legendary Lawyer, Scholar and Advocate Gideon Kanner

Gideon KannerOwners’ Counsel of America is saddened to announce that Gideon Kanner, a fierce defender of property rights, who helped to found the California Academy of Appellate Lawyers, has died at the age of 93.
While a complete list of Gideon’s professional accomplishments are too extensive to chronicle here, below are but a few highlights from his extraordinary career.

After 10 years as a rocket engineer, followed by a stellar private eminent domain and appellate practice, in 1974 Gideon became a full-time Professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, where he taught property, land use, eminent domain, and advanced appellate advocacy. Over the span of his lengthy career, Gideon acted as counsel for parties and amici curiae in numerous high profile eminent domain and takings cases. His oratory skills were legendary, with many regarding him as one of the finest appellate advocates to come before the California Supreme Court and U.S.Supreme Court.  As a professor, Gideon taught his students with the same passion that he exhibited whilst delivering the National Law Update at the ALI-CLE Eminent Domain Conference, and writing about developing takings law in his monthly periodical, Just Compensation. Other Gideon writings have appeared in numerous law journals and the general press, including the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, and the National Law Journal. For more information about Gideon and his professional achievements read this article recently published in Robert Thomas’ Inverse Condemnation Blog.

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