May 16th, 2021 — By — In OCA Blog

Virginia Jury Awards Substantial Damage Award for Pipeline Bisecting Landowner’s Property

OCA member, Stephen ClarkeOCA member, Stephen Clarke’s representation of owners James and Kathy Chandler, resulted in a jury verdict of $430,000 against the Mountain Valley Pipeline’s taking of their “slice of heaven” atop Bent Mountain. The pipeline company had previously offered them $89,343 for their property. After a trial on value, the jury agreed with the property owner that the construction of the 42-inch diameter natural gas pipeline would cause damages to the their 111-acre property by bisecting it and passing about 500 feet from their custom-built home. Commenting on the verdict, Stephen Clarke stated that “There’s a huge gap that cuts through the heart of their land, 125 feet wide and half a mile long.” In testifying before the jury, owner James Chandler told them that even though the pipeline would be buried, it will always be “a visual reminder. Nothing will be normal.” Stephen Clark is with the law firm of Waldo & Lyle.

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