What We Do 

Experienced Lawyers Defending Your Property Rights Across the Country

Whether you have received a property acquisition letter or notice, are negotiating the value of your property, are being threatened with eminent domain or find that you have been deprived of all economical use of your property by government action or regulation, the attorneys affiliated with Owners’ Counsel of America are prepared to help you defend your property rights, where appropriate, and ensure that you receive full and fair compensation in the event of a taking.

Owners’ Counsel of America attorneys are located in nearly every state and represent the interests of private owners in administrative, trial and appellate proceedings, in state and federal courts, appeals courts, state supreme courts and even the United States Supreme Court. OCA attorneys are knowledgeable about and experienced with the laws, procedures and issues unique to eminent domain in your state as well as under federal law. 

Our Practice Focus is On Eminent Domain Takings, Inverse Condemnation, and Regulatory Takings

Owners’ Counsel attorneys represent property owners against the government, transportation authorities, utilities, energy companies, redevelopment agencies and any other agency granted the power of eminent domain.  An OCA property rights lawyer can help you navigate the complex and often confusing condemnation process and can assist with any of the following issues:

Click Here To Read A List of Matters We Typically Do Not Handle

Contact a Leading Property Rights Lawyer Committed to Protecting Your Constitutional Rights

OCA attorneys have significant knowledge of and experience with all aspects of eminent domain law and the condemnation process from pre-condemnation planning and identifying a regulatory taking to trial practice and appeal. OCA lawyers have the resources and ability to fight to protect your property rights.

Whatever your needs or whatever type of property you own, we welcome the opportunity to assist you and encourage you to contact an experienced eminent domain and property rights lawyer affiliated with Owners’ Counsel of America to learn more about your private property rights or answer your questions concerning the condemnation process.

The government has skilled eminent domain attorneys working for them. Shouldn’t you have an experienced and dedicated property rights lawyer defending your rights?

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